
Schutzhund (German for "protection dog") is a dog sport that was developed in Germany , in the early 1900s.
It was clear to the German Shepherd breeders that the dogs were losing their working ability very early on.
Schutzhund was developed at this time as a test to keep the working ability German Shepherd Dogs. Only German Shepherds that had passed a Schutzhund test or a herding test were allowed to breed and thus have their progeny registered as German Shepherd Dogs.
The test would determine if the dog displayed the appropriate traits and characteristics of a proper working German Shepherd.
Today, it is used as a sport where many breeds other than German Shepherd Dogs can compete.
Many breed club use it as a breed suitability test to improve their breeding programs!

There are three Schutzhund titles: Schutzhund 1 (SchH1), Schutzhund 2 (SchH2), and Schutzhund 3 (SchH3), - now called IGP.
But before you can achieve any Schutzhund titles your dog has to undergo a temperament test, called the BH (Begleithundprüfung, which translates as "traffic-sure companion dog test")The BH tests basic obedience and sureness around strange people, strange dogs, traffic, and loud noises. A dog that exhibits excessive fear, distractibility, or aggression cannot pass the BH and so cannot go on to Schutzhund.
IGP1 is the first title and IGP3 is the most advanced.
Modern Schutzhund consists of three phases: tracking, obedience, and protection
A dog must pass all three phases in one trial to be awarded a Schutzhund/IGP title. Each phase is judged on a 100-point scale. The minimum passing score is 70 points for the tracking, 70 points for obedience and 70 points for protection phase.
At any time the judge may dismiss a dog for showing poor temperament, including fear or aggression.